How does one skankyhousingcommissionschizoshamanic-ho (technical term of course) go from being tied to a system, which has its reasons for gratitude, to living independantly, and happily, off the grid, emmersed in nature, as far as she can.... I know, baby steps. Although sleeping rough tonite could suck, its bloody cold. Pneumonia anyone?
Its a rough, wild world out there....mmmm wiildd, oohh rough aint always too bad.
There seems always to be the balancing between quietude, and participation, so one doesnt end up so far up ones one arse (technical term again) that u cant get up in the morning, without a cask or a pack of psych drugs.... Still such breakfasts occur in urban environments amongst thousands of folk. In parts of the world without welfare, I could start each day with withdrawel, and no hq....not many women get to my age, without an hq, literally.
How? In a world of such beautyous abundance and fertile potential, how? I asked my catfriend and she replied, Im just having a nap, then Ill get back to you. Thats not entirely true, she sat on a herbology book, and gave me a look like, havent you worked this shit out yet lovely. Theres my daily participation, humourous yet abruptly pointed, I could do wwaaaayyy worse. Break it down, and then have another nap....
Its becoming clearer I need to be making medicines, and here is where I am now as I work on the format. So joy be to government files, the looming of community treatment orders and transfers that could take 15 years! To honesty too, and talking about the messy chaotic bits....