When Soloman the wise was given a wish, rather than choose gold n riches he went with being able to understand the languages of animals. There are entire schools of martial arts whose moves are based on specific animals patterns and indigenous folks all over the globe dance their totems alive. Over the eons we have built up associations, memories and regaled tales charactered by them. This has become a kind of symbology that can be represented by an individual animal that crosses our path, or we theirs, depending on your perspective. Take the wise owl, whilst chowing down on mice aint so romantic, its ability to see in the dark is a pretty funky skill. Its stealth as a hunter must have inspired our ancestors as they sought for similar ability. Have you ever tried to move silently through vegetation, every sound becomes amplified, but if you called upon owl you might just be in with a chance. I love thinking of animals as divinationatory beings as I go for a walk pondering life, the universe and my own navel. The deeper ones connection to someone the less easily they can be harmed without conciousness and we have a long history with animal folks to tap into. How dry life would be without them. Perhaps they look at us in the same bemused way, but somehow I reckon their symbology is based on avoiding us buggers. Helps if your nocturnal eh wise owl?

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