Friday, May 13, 2011
busy week in tha garden....
As you can see nomadcat is having a hard time adjusting to having a garden, especially torturous is our morning cuppa and sunshine session which usually morphs into gardening. We now have three gardenbeds, no four, in which to get growing. Mostly want to get greens happening cos theres no dandelions or chickweed to munch on round these sandy soil parts of the world, which is a bit of a shock to the system! Went to make a brown rice salad and had to use only what was in the fridge, no wild harvest aargh! Still rocket, lettuce and spinach seeds are pokin their heads up through the soil, goodness I might have to plant weeds here, thats just too weird! Ive seen one lone dandelion, made sure to greet him, and a wee patch of chickweed, literally wee as its in a prime dog pee zone. Started our pennyroyal lawn, with one big plant, seedlings coming along but theyre virtually microscopic their so small, so those babies might be some time in maturing. Planted two native hibiscuses out front to form a bit of a screen. Theyre both near what is going to become our outside shrine/altar. There used to be a tree out front here, but between the time we first looked at the place here and moving in, the owner cut it down. So now theres a big ol stump and a collection of roots close to the surface. The trees asking me to make that space a shrine, a lil bit of acknowledgement wouldnt hurt and Im inclined to agree. Its at the entrance so will also give a nice vibe on that front, so yesterday cleared it up and built a retaining wall out of bits n pieces, using one of the roots as one edge. Filled it with fresh potting mix and scattered some flower seed, mixed white low growers and calendula. So well see how they grow. This weekend is the Lismmore Gemfest and if I can get my ass there Ive put out to cosmos for some rocks to start up activating the shrine. So its been a busy week in the garden and each morning mushcat and I do the rounds of the seeds/seedlings to see how theyre coming along. Thanx astra.....
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