planet, and around the streets, Samhain, or Halloween was in full swing Never seen so many witches out and about in Suffolk twas warming to the cockles of me heart! Ive had chinese rice wine for tinctures, and a stash of quartz crystals charging a way, as well as some seeds, mandrake and black viola, hoping for a better strike rate than my last attempt.
Then there was a bird like distress call in the garden and whom should I meet, flying down to my shoulder with a little coaxing but this cockatiel wolf whistling her way into our home for safe keeping. Two days later and she's still with me and nomad-cat. Infact she's now worked out due to gaps in carpentry that she can fly all over the house no probs. Nomad is fascinated aka pondering her flavour but rapidly losing interest aka life goes on and she can fly. We've put signs up but no calls as yet. Can a bird and a cat cohabitate, it appears we're learning the answer to that question I just hope it doesnt all end in tears. If I release her again big birds like currawongs will bully her or worse. I do have a contact for a woman whos happy to take her, already owning one cockateil but I would like to find her person, she's such a character I'm sure someone is missing her....
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