Monday, September 12, 2011

Mr Toad....

This morning when I got up i was greeted by this fine gentleman, who'd hopped into  a bucket and couldnt un-hop out. He is a 'cane toad' ( Bufo marinus) so named because he was introduced into Queensland to get rid of the 'cane beetle'. The thing is hes quite the tadpole breeder, can live in any habitat ranging from suburbia to sand dunes, is highly venomous with few predators and lives for about twenty years, hence the cure has done more damage than the symptom. That'll teach us to mess with nature, again. 

The word amphibian comes from two word "amphi" meaning double and "bios" life. Amphibians divide their lives between land and water, beginning as tadpoles and then usually spending the second half of their lives more on land, a characteristic that reflects an ability to metamorphosise and shapeshift.

Toads have featured strongly in fairytales, mythology and are well known as a potential witches familiar. With their warty exteriors they speak of beauty beyond the surface, buried treasure even, and all it takes is a kiss. Yes i did think about it, for half a second, until i realised itd probably just result in a reeeaaally bad trip.

Many would say i should have squished Mr Toad, and I acknowledge that cane toads have devastating effects on places like Kakadu national park, but when it comes down to it, who's the most devastating creature of all?
The one holding the camera.....

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