Thursday, September 8, 2011

Snake blessing....

Last night I decided enough was enough, its time to give my altars (in our bedroom) a good cleaning and sorting. Ive been neglectfull of my practices. I swept, burned incense and wrapped items for other times of the year and sorted them into a stash of wooden boxes. It was exciting, kind of like opening a present in reverse as I imagined rediscovering things at a later date.

The first odd thing that happened was that my Druids Plant Oracle deck (which Im on my l plates with) somehow leapt out of a set of drawers, and every last card was on the ground spread nicely about. Perhaps my cat somehow pulled it off. She has been a little odd today, I told myself, meditating cautiously on a mouse (or so I thought) under the bed. But saw it as a push along to get to know the deck either way.

So merrily I kept packing. Then went into the kitchen to give my cauldron a bath. When I came back there gliding across my spring altar was a python. Amazing creature, just a baby with fresh skin but still a good metre n a bit long! Ive been here 3 months or so and never seen her before. She moved slowly exploring crevices, and gliding between statues and stones.

I gotta tell you she gave me a fright at first, but its highly likely it was a two way street. There was no aggression and once Id worked out she was not a venomous snake, and got over my fear, to watch the way she moved was awesome. Literally climbing up brick walls with the muscles in her underbelly. No wonder they are sacred to so many cultures, she was mesmerising especially in candlelight.

So Nomadcat and I slept in the study with the door shut to let her find her way outside in peace. She was trying to get out the window but the security grill was stopping her. This morning she seems to have left the building, but what a generous blessing of our refreshed altars!

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